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cookies policy

What Cookies are

Cookies are packets of information in the form of text files that a web server, i.e. our website, send to the visitor’s Internet browser and store in the user’s PC that automatically memorizes them .Such data are automatically resend to our server or to third parties’server we use at each access to our site.

By default, almost all web browsers are set to accept cookies automatically.

Technical Cookies

Are used for authentication, to use multimedia content such as flash players or to allow the choice of the language of navigation. Generally it is not necessary to obtain prior and informed consent of the user. This category includes cookies used to statistically analyze the accesses/ visits to the site, only if used exclusively for statistical purposes and through the collection of information in aggregate form.

Non-Technical cookies

Are all cookies used for profiling and marketing purposes. Their use on users’ devices is prohibited if they have not been previously and properly informed and have not given a valid consent in accordance with the opt-in technique.

These types of cookies can, in turn, be grouped according to the functions performed in:

  • Analytical ones: are the cookies used to collect and analyse statistical information on visits/access to the website. In some cases, they’re associated to other information such as log-in credentials entered to access to restricted areas (your email address and password), can be used to profile you (personal habits, sites visited, content downloaded, types of interactions made, etc.).
  • Widgets: This category includes all those graphic components of a user’s program interface, which aim to facilitate the user interaction with the program itself. By way of example widgets cookies are facebook, google+, twitter.
  • Advertsing: this category includes cookies used to advertise within a site. Google, Tradedoubler fall into this category.
  • Profiling Cookies
  • These are permanent cookies used to identify anonymously and not the user preferences and to improve your browsing experience.

How cookies are used

The use of permanent technical cookies or of session cookies is strictly limited for the purposes necessary to allow safe and efficient exploration of the site and its applications. The technical cookies used on this site avoid the use of other IT techniques potentially prejudicial to the confidentiality of users’ navigation.

How to disable cookies via browser configuration

If you wish, you can also manage cookies directly through your browser settings. However, the deletion of cookies from the browser may remove the preferences you have set for the ARGO SRL sites (for this reason it would be advisable that you periodically visit this page to review your preferences)

For more information and support you can also visit the specific help page of the web browser you are using:

  • GoogleChrome (;
  • Microsoft Edge (;
  • Internet Explorer (;
  • MozillaFirefox (;
  • Safari Desktop(;
  • Safari Mobile (;
  • Opera (


The “social buttons” are visible on this site to allow the user to use his/her registration information on social networks, including:

  • Facebook;
  • Twitter;
  • LinkedIn;
  • Google+;

to request the registration to the services offered by ARGO SRL

These platforms may deposit cookies on the user’s device through the site (third-party cookies), in order to collect information about the user’s navigation

For more information about cookie management and the privacy policy of:

  • Facebook (;
  • Twitter (;
  • LinkedIn (;
  • Google+ (;

Cookies - Acceptance or refusal of cookies

By continuing to browse this site, or closing the information band or clicking in any part of the page or scrolling it to highlight further content, the user manifests and explicitly accepts the Cookie Policy of ARGO SRL

In case of non-acceptance of cookies by abandoning the navigation, any cookies already recorded locally in your browser will remain registered there but will no longer be read or used by ARGO SRL until a subsequent and possible acceptance of the Policy.

The user (you) will always have the chance to remove these cookies at any time through the above mentioned methods.

Cookie – User’s rights

The user can exercise his right to oppose the full use of cookies by leaving this site and thus also by refusing the use of technical cookies, which are essential for its performance.